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The Pros and Cons Using Air Condition

You know, AC is a tool for cooling the room. Can you imagine the urban diarea home with high temperatures without using air conditioning? Many people who need them, very uncomfortable for the house with the air is hot without air conditioning. But in spite of its benefits, many researchers believe AC also had adverse effects. Let's find out why it happened.
In real life many people use air conditioning in offices and important place for the meeting. so the air conditioning is still desperately needed by the people in their daily activities.
“We know AC is a tool for cooling the room. The benefit of air condition is help sirculate filtered air inside the room of office and this air is free from dust, dirty particle, microorganism, etc. healthy environment is create inside. Air condition have filter and sterilize the air that we breathe, so it can helps reduce asthma and risk allergy by removing dust.” Lutfi’s argument.
“Another advantages of air condition can change volume of air condition and we don’t feel hot. AC is usually associated with CFCs out of the room. So, we are sure that the door closes tightly to reduce CFC. If we know the air condition not the biggest contributor for global warming in this situation, we will know from read” Khrisna’s argument.
“Sun is cause of heat during the summer season, so we need to cool down our body. High temperature from heat can cause sweating and dehydration, AC can minimize the risk of dehydration by reducing sweat. As a wise man we have to use the air conditioning as needed to be more energy efficient and effective. I believe that the future will definitely be better, because we can do that. We just must be smart use air condition. Fahmi’s Argument.
Well, on the other hand, AC produce Chloro Fluoro Carbon gas that causes global warming. Because the CFC gas makes the carbondioxyde stay at the atmosphere. And the lights from the sun that must be bring back to the sun trapped in the atmosphere. That is causes the temperature of the earth increase and so that the ice in north pole or the south pole will melted. And not long ago, the earth will sink.
Air conditioners can be a breeding ground for the growth of bacteria and fungus. Moisture can accumulate in the coils and fan blades from condensation that forms when cold air circulates through the appliance. If left unchecked, things like mold and fungus can build up and get blown out into the air. (KHULUQ)
According to the article on,  sudden changes in temperature and humidity affect the respiratory system. It has a drying effect on skin and mucous membranes. It also adds to ambient noise, contributing to noise pollution. The air circulation of AC can transmit infectious respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and many others. AC also produce airborne dust and fungi if the installation is not good, can cause allergic reactions, the effect is mostly on skin disease.
 Air conditioning is associated with chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis, throat irritation and hoarseness. Air conditioning can exaccerbate eye conditions such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, as well as causing problems for contact lens wearers. (DAISY)
Moreover, AC could make people dehydration because of the cold temperature influence the feeling want to go to bathroom immediately and so that people will get dehydration. Because the liquid in the body had thrown away from the body. Using air conditioner also increase the electrical pay more expensive. AC in the lower power, has 350 Watt. In the class ussualy must use 2 AC. In the school, there are more than 30 classes and offices. So if the school use 70 AC, and the AC be used by 10 hours per day, the cost per month just for AC is 7.350.000 rupiahs.
And AC could make the virus spread to others fastly. As example, when I was in junior high school, there is my friend who had pholphox disease. She menulari my 9 friends in just a month. The most important thing that must be thought is, SMAN 1 Sragen will be an Adiwiyata School, and Adiwiyata School must keep the environtment healthy. So, AC can’t be use for an adiwiyata school because AC not friendly to the environtment due to the CFC gas. (ERFINA)
At home, eschewing A/C whenever possible and opting instead for an open window and/or a fan. Curtains, blackout blinds, and window screens can also play a big role in keeping the temperature down. Make sure the air conditioner is an energy-star certified model and that the filters are clean. Don’t cool an empty room if not using the space, turn the air conditioning off or put it in energy-saver mode so the electrical pay will not increase highly.
In conclusion, AC has both advantages and disadvantages. It’s okay to use AC, but carry a light uncrushable jacket or wrap it in the summer so if you suddenly go into a building board a bus where the air con is at full throttle you can protect your system from such extreme temperature changes. And it would be better if reduce the consumed of AC, because we must preserving the earth for the continued of our lives as well. We should not be selfish to live comfortably without thinking about our children's future if it continues to use the AC.
Affirmative Team
1.      Fahmi Ismail                           (15)
2.      Khrisna A. W                          (19)
3.      Lutfi Ichsanul F                      (20)
4.      Siwi Prahastiwi                       (31)
Negative Team
1.      Akbar Abdul Lathif                (3)
2.      Daisy Rizki Primadani            (8)
3.      Erfina Dita Nirmala                (11)
4.      Muhammad Latiful Khuluq    (22)

So, this is my task when I was in senior high school 1 Sragen in grade 3.
Hope this may be helpful.


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